Thank you to our Berkeley Rep supporters!

We thank the many organizations, companies, and individuals who enrich our community by championing Berkeley Rep’s artistic, education, and community engagement programs.

Institutional Funders


Anonymous (3)
The Sheri and Les Biller Family Foundation
The California Wellness Foundation
Civic Foundation, Inc.
Davis/Dauray Family Fund
The William H. Donner Foundation, Inc.
The Ira and Leonore S. Gershwin
Philanthropic Fund
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
JEC Foundation
Koret Foundation
Laurents/Hatcher Foundation
Jonathan Logan Family Foundation
The Maurer Family Foundation
The Bernard Osher Foundation
The Shubert Foundation
Taube Philanthropies
Woodlawn Foundation


Alameda County Arts Commission ARTSFUND
Berkeley Civic Arts Program and Commission
California Arts Council
National Endowment for the Arts
State of California

Corporate & Hospitality Sponsors


Executive Sponsors 

First Republic Foundation 



Donkey & Goat Winery
Mechanics Bank Wealth Management
PNC Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation

Corporate Partners 

Armanino LLP  
Aurora Catering
Bank of Marin
Covenant Wines
Hugh Groman Catering
The Morrison & Foerster Foundation

Performance Sponsors 

Andrea Gordon Real Estate

Benefactor Sponsors 

Ayaba Wines
Family Laundry
Gallagher Risk Management Services  
Heroic Italian
Kermit Lynch
Lucia’s Berkeley
Perfusion Vineyard
Residence Inn Downtown Berkeley
Revival Bar + Kitchen

The Resilience Campaign

Berkeley Repertory Theatre gratefully recognizes the following contributors for their transformational contributions to The Resilience Campaign that support the Theatre’s future.

California Wellness Foundation
Stephen & Susan Chamberlin
Yogen & Peggy Dalal
Robin & Rich Edwards
David & Vicki Fleishhacker
Kerry Francis & John Jimerson
Jill & Steve Fugaro
Karen Galatz & Jon Wellinghoff
Bruce Golden & Michelle Mercer
Marcia Grand
Frances Hellman & Warren Breslau
Dugan & Philippe Lamoise
The Jonathan Logan Family Foundation
Sandra & Ross McCandless
Gisele & Kenneth F. Miller
Sudha Pennathur & Edward Messerly
Jack & Betty Schafer
Pat & Merrill Shanks
Michael & Sue Steinberg
The Strauch Kulhanjian Family
Kelli & Steffan Tomlinson
Gail & Arne Wagner
Linda & Steve Wolan

We thank the many individuals in our community who help Berkeley Rep produce adventurous, thought-provoking, and thrilling theatre and bring arts education to thousands of people every year. We gratefully recognize our donors at the Advocate level and above, who made their gifts between January 1, 2023 and April 24, 2024. We also express our deep gratitude to all of the Friends of Berkeley Rep that we are unable to recognize here due to space limitations.

Sponsors Circle

Season Sponsors

Stephen & Susan Chamberlin
Yogen & Peggy Dalal
Bruce Golden & Michelle Mercer
Frances Hellman & Warren Breslau
Wayne Jordan & Quinn Delaney
Jonathan Logan & John Piane
Gisele & Kenneth F. Miller
Jack & Betty Schafer
The Strauch Kulhanjian Family
Kelli & Steffan Tomlinson
Gail & Arne Wagner

Lead Sponsors

Barbara Bass Bakar
Jill & Steve Fugaro
Mary Ruth Quinn & Scott Shenker

Executive Sponsors 

Anonymous (2)
Anne & Anuj Dhanda
Christopher Doane & Neal Shorstein, MD
Robin & Rich Edwards
Bill Falik & Diana Cohen
Kerry Francis & John Jimerson
Dr. Daniel F. Goodman
Marcia Grand
Melinda Haag & Chuck Fanning
Melanie Maier
Sandra & Ross McCandless
Sudha Pennathur & Edward Messerly
Leonard X & Arlene B. Rosenberg
Pat & Merrill Shanks
Michael & Sue Steinberg
Steven & Linda Wolan


Shelley & Jonathan Bagg
Walter Brown
David & Vicki Cox
Christina Crowley
William T. Espey & Margaret Hart Edwards
Karen Galatz & Jon Wellinghoff
Paul Haahr & Susan Karp
Scott & Sherry Haber
Rick Hoskins & Lynne Frame
Jack Klingelhofer
Suzanne LaFetra Collier
Susan & Moses Libitzky
Erin McCune
Pam & Mitch Nichter
Jack & Valerie Rowe
Todd Rubin
Chris & Mike Rupp, Descendant Cellars
Joan Sarnat & David Hoffman
Sargina & Marc Silvani
Jean Strunsky, in memory of Michael Strunsky
Felicia Woytak & Steven Rasmussen 

Associate Sponsors 

Anonymous (3)
Edith Barschi & Robert Jackson
Anna Bellomo & Josh Bloom
Lynne Carmichael
Cindy J. Chang, MD & Christopher Hudson
Narsai & Venus David
David & Vicki Fleishhacker
Steven Goldin
Laura Graham
Elise Haas
Richard N. Hill & Nancy Lundeen
George Jacob
Ms. Wendy E. Jordan
Fred Karren, in memory of Beth Karren
Sy Kaufman & Kerstin Edgerton
Rosalind & Sung-Hou Kim
Dugan & Philippe Lamoise
Eileen & Hank Lewis
Ali Long, In Honor of T. Dixon Long
Helen M. Marcus, in memory of David J. Williamson
Phyra McCandless & Angelos Kottas
Martin & Margi Cellucci McNair
Juan Oldham & Deborah Morgan
Julie Moreland
Tom Parrish & Steve Dow
Norman & Janet Pease
Johanna Pfaelzer & Russell Champa
Sue Reinhold & Deborah Newbrun
Gary & Noni Robinson
Arthur & Toni Rembe Rock
David S. H. Rosenthal & Vicky Reich
Dennis Ryan & Rebecca Sutter-Ryan
Barbara Sahm & Steven Winkel
Patricia Sakai & Richard Shapiro
Monica Salusky & John K. Sutherland
Cynthia & William Schaff
Sarah E. Shaver
Barbara Tomber
Audrey & Bob Sockolov
Salomon Strategic Development
Susan West
Wendy Williams

Artistic Directors Circle


Anonymous (3)
Edward D. Baker
John Brennan & Stephanie McKown
Byers Family
Italo & Susan Calpestri Jennifer Chaiken & Sam Hamilton
John Dains
Richard DeNatale & Craig Latker
Thomas W. Edwards & Rebecca Parlette-Edwards
Merle & Michael Fajans
Cynthia A. Farner
Linda Jo Fitz
Lisa Franzel & Rod Mickels
Dennis & Susan Johann Gilardi
Rico & Maya Green
Karen Grove & Julian Cortella
Earl & Bonnie Hamlin
Elaine Hitchcock
Lynda & Dr. J. Pearce Hurley
The Jackson Family Foundation
Teresa Kersten
Duke & Daisy Kiehn
Randy Laroche & David Laudon
Joel Linzner & Teresa Picchi
Rosa Luevano & Charles Marston
Elsie Mallonee
Mona Marbach
Marymor Family Fund
Seth Mickenberg & Alfredo Silva
Judy Minor
Sandi & Dick Pantages
Lauri Paul & Mark Hamilton
Peter Pervere & Georgia Cassel
Pure Dana Fund
Jaimie Sanford & Ted Storey
Emily Shanks
Elizabeth Werter & Henry Trevor
Sheila Wishek 


Anonymous (2)
Norman Abramson, in memory of David Beery
Eric Allman & Kirk McKusick
Philip Arca & Sherry Smith
Linda & Mike Baker
Michelle L. Barbour
Ashvini Bhave & Kishore Bopardikar
Becky & Jeff Bleich
Jeffrey Breslow
Linda Brown
Ronnie Caplane
Constance Crawford
Ed Cullen & Ann O’Connor
Lisa Conte
Dr. Jim Cuthbertson
Barbara & Tim Daniels
Richard & Anita Davis
Ilana DeBare & Sam Schuchat
Bill DeHart
Corinne & Mike Doyle
Linda Drucker
Sandra & Ken Eggers
William & Susan Epstein
Jerry Falk
Paul Feigenbaum & Judy Kemeny
The Flatows
Dean Francis
Sharon & Tom Francis
Herb & Marianne Friedman
Mio & Jon Good
Mary W Graves
Stan Hoffman
Robert & Judith Greber
Anne & Peter Griffes
Migsy & Jim Hamasaki
Dan & Shawna Hartman Brotsky
Tamra C. Hege
Ruth Hennigar
Bill Hofmann & Robbie Welling
Paula Hughmanick & Steven Berger
Muriel Kaplan & Bob Sturm
Bill & Lisa Kelly
Dana Kirkland
Stephen F. Kispersky
Peggy Kivel
Michael H. Kossman
Jane & Mike Larkin, in memory of Lynn & Gerald Ungar
Jay & Eileen Love
Luna Foundation
Susanna & Brad Marshland
Rebecca Martinez
Henning Mathew & Michelle Deane
Miles & Mary Ellen McKey
Susan Mazzetti
Susie Medak & Greg Murphy
Robin Meezan
Stephanie Mendel
Andy & June Monach
Geri Monheimer
Muriel Mora
Ronald Morrison
Carol J. Ormond
Janet & Clyde Ostler
Judy O’Young, MD & Gregg Hauser
Barbara L. Peterson
Leslie & Mark Ragsdale
Dr. Jason Ravenel and Leann Ravenel
Carla & David Riemer
Audrey & Paul L. Richards
Richard A. Rubin & H. Marcia Smolens
Becky Saeger & Tom Graves
Jeane & Roger Samuelsen
Dan Scharlin & Sara Katz
Jackie Schmidt-Posner & Barry Posner
Jon and NoraLee Sedmak
Shirlen Fund, in memory of Shirley & Philip Schild
Allan & Maria Smith
Ed & Ellen Smith
Karen Stevenson & Bill McClave
Alison Teeman & Michael Yovino-Young
Henry Timnick
Larry Vales
Deborah & Bob Van Nest
Kimberly Webb & Richard Rossi
Beth Weissman
Patricia & Jeffrey Williams
Mark Zitter & Jessica Nutik Zitter

Friends of Berkeley Rep


Anonymous (4) • George & Marcia Argyris • Paul Bendix • Patti Bittenbender • Eric Brink & Gayle Vassar • Stacey Carlo • Dr. Jon Carr • Keith & Maria Carson • Karen & David Crommie • Josh Dapice • Carol DiFilippo • Joan M. Dove & Jim Daughn • Ben & Mary Feinberg • Donald & Dava Freed • Marjorie Ginsburg & Howard Slyter • Mary Grogan • Henry L. Hecht • Thomas & Elizabeth Henry • Sudhir Kasanavesi • Susan Kolb • Woof Kurtzman & Liz Hertz • Shirley Langlois • Ellen & Barry Levine • Marcia C. Linn • Lois & Gary Marcus, in memory of Ruth Weiland, Mose & Selma Marcus • Paul Mariano & Suzanne Chapot • Mina Morita • Jane Neilson • Judith & Richard Oken • Bob & MaryJane Pauley • Todd & Susan Ringoen • Maxine Risley, in memory of James Risley • John & Jody Roberts • Mitzi K. Sales • Helen Schulak • Susan Shafton • Laura Shennum • David & Lori Simpson • Amrita Singhal & Michael Tubach • Suzanne Slyman • Cherida Collins Smith • Trevor & Anne-Marie Strohman • Annie Ulevitch • William van Dyk & Margi Sullivan • Gerald & Lynda Vurek-Martyn • Brian Watt & Daisy Nguyen • Jonathan & Kiyo Weiss


Anonymous (12) • David Ahirhima • David Baer • Paula Bakalar • Celia Bakke • Irene Balcar • Valerie Barth • Richard & Kathi Berman • Brent Blackaby • Mark & Peggy Bley • Judy Blumenstein • Thomas Bosserman • Cathy Bristow • Paul Brody • Aimee Brown • Jane V. Buerger • John Bundschuh & Deborah Sorondo • Fran Burgess • Robert & Margaret Cant • Bruce Carlton • Russell Champa • Daren Chan • Laura Chenel • Joan & Edward Conger • Cathy Corison and William Martin • Pam & Mike Crane • Rajen Dalal • Harry & Susan Dennis • Joe & Lisa Downes • Tammerlin Drummond • Kevin Eggan • Sue J. Estey • Paul Finkle & Sue DeVinny • Martin & Barbara Fishman • James & Jessica Fleming • Carol & Tony Friscia • Chris R. Frostad • Lisa and Jack Fuchs • Ellen Geringer & Chris Tarp • Judy & Sheldon Greene • Mark Greenstein • Karen Greig & Mike Frank • Don & Becky Grether • Sylvaine Guille • Jeannene Hansen • Dennis & Juanita Harte • Paula Hawthorn & Michael Ubell • Lisa Herrinton • Al Hoffman & David Shepherd • Rachel & John Horsch • Hilary & Tom Hoynes • Maria Inchauspe • Patricia J. Ishiyama • Atsuko Jenks • Barbara & Peter Jensen • May Johnston • Alan Karras & David Schulz • Leslie Karren • Ralph & Tonya Koenker • Andrea & Kenneth Krueger • Lucy Kuntz and Ned Fielden • Wayne Lamprey & Dena Watson-Lamprey • Susan Carol Ledford • Elizabeth Lewis • Jennifer S. Lindsay • Mark & Roberta Linsky • Ari Lipsky • Margo & Josh Lowensohn • Peter Luk • Gerry & Kathy MacClelland • Ingrid Madsen & Victor Rauch • Rob and Diane Master • Don Mathews • M. Mathews & K. Soriano • Kevin McCarty • Amelie Mel de Fontenay • Ellen Meltzer and George Porter • Susan Morris • Ron Nakayama • Sandra Nichols • Shanna O’Hare & John Davis • Patti Oji Haas • Jeannie Pfaelzer & Peter Panuthos • Malcolm & Ann Plant • Kathleen Quenneville & Diane Allen • Daniel & Barbara Radin • Elizabeth Raffin • Jackie Lynn Ray • Kalpana Reddy • Terri Remillard • William Rogers • Patrick Romani • Shasta Roope • Deborah Dashow Ruth, in memory of Leo P. Ruth • Eve Saltman & Skip Roncal, in honor of Kerry Francis & John Jimerson • Eric & Lauren Schlezinger • Teddy & Bruce Schwab • Deborah Sedberry & Jeff Klingman • Jacob Sevart • Ruchira Shah & David Grunwald • Brenda Buckhold Shank, M.D., Ph.D. • Steve & Susan Shortell • Beryl & Ivor Silver • Robert Sinha • Gary & Jana Stein • Jane & Jay Taber • Margo & Drew Tammen • Kathy Taylor • Ruthann Taylor • Karen Tiedemann & Geoff Piller • Dana Tom & Nancy Kawakita • Dale Underwood & Kirsti Aho • Jill Van Dalen • Barbara & Mordechai Winter • H. Leabah Winter • Susan Wittenberg • Molly Wood • Moe & Becky Wright • Irene Yen

The Michael Leibert Society

Berkeley Rep gratefully acknowledges the following individuals who have generously provided for the theatre in their estate plans:

Anonymous (9)
Norman Abramson & David Beery*
Sam Ambler
Carl W. Arnoult & Aurora Pan
Ken & Joni Avery
Nancy Axelrod
Edie Barschi
Neil & Gene Barth
Susan & Barry Baskin
Linda Brandenburger
Broitman-Basri Family
Bruce Carlton & Richard G. McCall*
Victoria Carter*
Stephen K. Cassidy
Paula Champagne & David Watson
Terin Christensen
Sofia Close
Ed Cullen & Ann O’Connor
Andrew Daly & Jody Taylor
Narsai & Venus David
M. Laina Dicker
Thalia Dorwick
Robin & Rich Edwards
Thomas W. Edwards
& Rebecca Parlette-Edwards
Bill & Susan Epstein
William Espey & Margaret Hart Edwards
Bill Falik & Diana Cohen
Dr. Stephen E. Follansbee
& Dr. Richard A. Wolitz
Catherine Fox
Kerry Francis
Dr. Harvey & Deana Freedman
Joseph & Antonia Friedman
Paul T. Friedman
Laura K. Fujii
David Gaskin & Phillip McPherson*
Marjorie Ginsburg & Howard Slyter
Mary & Nicholas* Graves
Elizabeth Greene
Sheldon & Judy Greene
Don & Becky Grether
Richard & Lois Halliday
Barry* & Micheline Handon
Julie & Paul Harkness
Linda & Bob Harris
Fred Hartwick
Ruth Hennigar
Daria Hepps
Douglas J. Hill*
Peter Hobe & Christina Crowley
Hoskins/Frame Family Trust
Lynda & Dr. J. Pearce Hurley
Robin C. Johnson
Janice Kelly & Carlos Kaslow
Bonnie McPherson Killip
Lynn Eve Komaromi
Nancy Kornfield*
Michael H. Kossman
Woof Kurtzman
Scott & Kathy Law
Jim Lillienthal*
Dot Lofstrom
Ingrid Madsen & Victor Rauch
Andrew Maguire
Helen M. Marcus
Dale* & Don Marshall
Rebecca Martinez
Sarah McArthur LeValley
Sandra & Ross McCandless
Suzanne & Charles McCulloch
John G. McGehee
Miles & Mary Ellen McKey
Ruth Medak
Susie Medak & Greg Murphy
Stephanie Mendel
Toni Mester
Shirley & Joe Nedham
Jane & Bill Neilson
Pam & Mitch Nichter
Sharon Ott
Fr. David Pace
Amy Pearl Parodi
Barbara L. Peterson
Regina Phelps
Margaret Phillips
Marjorie Randolph
Gregg Richardson
Bonnie Ring Living Trust
David Rovno, M.D.
Tracie E. Rowson
Deborah Dashow Ruth
Patricia Sakai & Richard Shapiro
Brenda Buckhold Shank, M.D., Ph.D.
Emily Shanks
Kevin Shoemaker*
Theresa Nelson & Bernard Smits
Valerie Sopher
Michael & Sue Steinberg
Dr. Douglas & Anne Stewart
Jean Strunsky
Mary, Andrew & Duncan Susskind
Jim Tibbs & Philip Anderson
Henry Timnick
Guy Tiphane
Dana Tom & Nancy Kawakita
Phillip & Melody Trapp
Janis Kate Turner
Gail & Arne Wagner
Barry & Holly Walter
Weil Family Trust - Weil Family
Susan West
Steven & Linda Wolan
The Woolfson Blumenfeld
Living Trust
Karen & Henry Work
Anders Yang, JD
Martin & Margaret Zankel

Gifts received by Berkeley Rep

Estate of Suzanne Adams
Estate of Pat Angell, in memory of theater architect Gene Angell
Estate of Nina Auerbach
Estate of Helen C. Barber
Estate of Fritzi Benesch
Estate of Carole B. Berg
Estate of Nelly Berteaux
Estate of Jill Bryans
Estate of Paula Carrell
Estate of Nancy Croley
Estate of John & Carol Field
Estate of Ralph Garrow
Estate of Audrey J. Lasson
Estate of Zandra Faye LeDuff
Estate of Ines R. Lewandowitz
Estate of John E. & Helen A. Manning
Estate of Richard Markell
Estate of Sumner & Hermine Marshall
Estate of Margaret D. & Winton McKibben
Estate of Robert S. Newton,
in honor of John T. & Jean Knox
Estate of Sheldeen G. Osborne
Estate of Timothy A. Patterson
Estate of Gladys Perez-Mendez
Estate of Margaret Purvine
Estate of Guy T. Roberts, Jr.
Estate of Leigh & Ivy Robinson
Estate of Gretchen Saeger
Estate of Stephen C. Schaefer,
in honor of Jean and Jack Knox
Estate of Peter Sloss
Estate of Harry Weininger
Estate of Grace Williams


As of May 2024.

Berkeley Rep makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of these listings. If there is an error or you would like to adjust your listing, please contact us at 510 647-2905 or