Native Nonprofit: Red Eagle Soaring

Native Nonprofit: Red Eagle Soaring

Since 2015, Intiman has included the practice of acknowledging that we occupy usurped Native land. Starting this year, we are partnering with a different local Native nonprofit for the season, providing a spotlight of their work, people, and programs. This collaboration serves as our next step on an ever evolving pathway; to share resources and draw focus to local Native communities.

Red Eagle Soaring

Red Eagle Soaring is empowering Native youth to express themselves, take creative action on the issues that affect their lives, and sustain their cultural heritage.

Red Eagle Soaring (RES) is a Seattle-based 501(c)(3) that exists to empower urban Indigenous youth ages 10-19 to express themselves with confidence & clarity, through free year-round programming, integrating contemporary theatre and traditional Native performing arts. RES engages Native youth and their families in critical discussions about the issues affecting their lives and provides a cultural peer group in which to build confidence, identity, and leadership skills through service and community.

Since 1991, Red Eagle Soaring has mentored hundreds of Native youth, staged over 180 productions, and supported youth access to the healing power of Indigenous cultural traditions which promote social, physical, and intellectual engagement, supporting Indigenous arts and cultural life ways. RES also serves our Alumni ages 20+ in another branch of programming - YTT (Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow) Urban Native Performing Artists. We offer performance opportunities, college Intiman Theatre scholarships, internships and educational workshops on all aspects of working in the theatre, or on a film set.

Many of our alumni are invited to serve on the board, or are hired on as staff! If you are interested in programming, or bringing us out to your community, please reach out to Artistic Director Nicole Suyama at For more general information, please follow us on social media (fb - Red Eagle Soaring IG - @redeaglesoaring) or visit our website