Seattle Children’s Theatre Audience Member Guide

Experiencing the theatre is a group activity shared not only with the actors, but also with the people sitting around you. Your attention and participation help the actors perform better, and allows the rest of the audience to enjoy the show. We invite you to laugh when it is funny, cry when it is sad, gasp when it is shocking, but refrain from talking during the show, as it disturbs audience members and performers alike. 

Leave cell phones, tablets, hand held games, and other distracting and noise-making electronic devices at home or turn them completely off. 

Gum and food must stay in the lobby. Drinks are only allowed if they have a lid.

The lights dimming and going out signal the audience to quiet down and settle in your seats: the play is about to begin. 

Don’t talk with your neighbors during the play. It distracts people around you and the actors on stage. 

Remain in your seat during the play. Please use the restroom before or after the show, as well as during intermission.  

During the curtain call remain in your seat and applaud because this is part of the performance too. The actors will come out on stage one more time to say thank you for your participation as an audience member.