A.C.T. Contributors

From the incredible performances on our stages, to the intensive actor training in our conservatory and our residencies in local Bay Area high schools, A.C.T. strives to nurture the art of live theater that can act as a catalyst for positive change.

By making a gift, you help A.C.T. bring transformative theatrical experiences to our community. Each season, subscription and ticket sales only cover a portion of our operating costs, making donations absolutely essential to our mission-driven work on and off our stages.

Producer's Circle

Robina Riccitiello, Chair

We are privileged to recognize Producers Circle members’ generosity during the April 1, 2023 to April 1, 2024 period. For information about Producers Circle membership, please contact Sasha Habash at 415.439.2415 or shabash@act-sf.org.

**In Memoriam
*Bravo Circle Member
◊2023/24 Season All Hallows’ Gala Supporters

Season Presenters ($100,000+)





Jerry is the former president of Parnassus Investments. Now retired, he serves on the boards of San Francisco Opera and San Francisco Symphony, as well as on the Emeritus Board of A.C.T. Thao serves on the board of the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco. Thao and Jerry have established scholarships for music education at the San Francisco Symphony, undergraduate education at UC Berkeley, and high school education for 125 girls in Vietnam.



Priscilla is a vice chair of A.C.T.’s Board of Trustees. She is President of the SF Symphony, a board member of Grace Cathedral, and a board member and former chair of NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation. Keith is president of SF Opera’s board and a board member of Episcopal Community Services.




Past chair of A.C.T.’s Board of Trustees, Toni is a retired partner at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman. Arthur was one of America’s first venture capitalists. Along with other community endeavors, they are cofounders of the Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford Law School.


Robina is the Board Secretary of A.C.T.’s Board of Trustees and Communications Director for the Million Person Project, a company that helps people identify their core values to tell their personal story. She is involved with the UCLA Depression Grand Challenge, an effort to cure depression by the end of this century, and with NARAL Pro-Choice America.
Mary and Steven Swig ◊

Company Sponsors ($50,000–$99,999)

  • Anonymous
  • Lily Chu and Daniel Sturman ◊
  • Ray and Dagmar Dolby Fund
  • Linda Jo Fitz ◊
  • Jo S. Hurley *
  • Fred M. Levin in honor of Nancy Livingston Levin, The Shenson Foundation
  • John Little and Heather Stallings Little ◊
  • The Marymor Family Fund ◊
  • Deedee McMurtry
  • Donald J. and Toni Ratner Miller * ◊
  • Patti and Rusty Rueff ◊
  • Kay Yun and Andre Neumann-Loreck

Executive Producers ($25,000–$49,999)

  • Anonymous ◊
  • Daniel E. Cohn and Lynn Brinton
  • Kevin and Celeste Ford ◊
  • John L. Garfinkle
  • Kirke and Nancy Sawyer Hasson ◊
  • Mary Hynes and Marc Tessier-Lavigne ◊
  • Jeri Lynn and Jeffrey W. Johnson
  • Karesha McGee
  • Elsa and Neil Pering
  • Laura Posey and Aaron Goldsmid
  • David and Carla Riemer ◊
  • Mark and Adeline Townsley
  • Hilary Valentine
  • Aaron Vermut and Adriana López Vermut
  • Jay Yamada
  • Nola Yee

Producers ($15,000–$24,999)

  • Norman Abramson in celebration of David V. Beery ◊
  • Schatzie Allen-Jefferson
  • Paul Asente and Ron Jenks
  • Clay Foundation - West
  • Carlotta and Robert Dathe
  • Philip** and Judy Erdberg
  • Luba Kipnis and David Russel ◊
  • Pease Family Fund
  • Abby and Gene Schnair
  • Michelle Shonk
  • Cherie Sorokin
  • Beverly and Loring Wyllie

Associate Producers ($10,000–$14,999)

  • Anonymous
  • Judy and David Anderson
  • Paul Angelo and Cindy Low
  • Nancy** and Joachim Bechtle
  • Dr. Barbara L. Bessey
  • Roger and Helen Bohl
  • Christopher and Debora Booth
  • Linda K. Brewer
  • Linda Joanne Brown and Lauren Katherine Murlock
  • James and Julia Davidson
  • Amy Dornbusch
  • Jesse Lee Eller, Studio 5 - Learning and Development, Inc. ◊
  • Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Geist
  • Dr. Allan P. Gold and Mr. Alan C. Ferrara *
  • John & Marcia Goldman Foundation
  • Dianne and Ron Hoge
  • Christopher and Leslie Johnson
  • Linda and Frank Kurtz
  • John and Terry Levin Family Foundation
  • Nion McEvoy and Leslie Berriman
  • Shannon Nash
  • Karen and Alfred Pace ◊
  • Joseph E. and Julie Ratner
  • Rich Rava and Elisa Neipp
  • Karen Smyda
  • Lee and Carolyn Snowberg
  • Matthew and Lisa Sonsini
  • Laura and Gregory Spivy
  • Emmett and Marion Stanton
  • Wendy M. Vanden Heuvel and Bradley L. Coley
  • Barry Williams and Lalita Tademy

Director's Circle

We are privileged to recognize these members’ generosity during the April 1, 2023 to April 1, 2024 period.

For information about Directors Circle membership, please contact Will Gaines at 415.439.2334 or wgaines@act-sf.org.

**In Memoriam
*Bravo Circle Member
◊2023/24 Season All Hallows’ Gala Supporters

Benefactors ($7,500–$9,999)

  • Steven and Karin Chase *
  • Lesley Ann Clement and Karl Lukaszewicz
  • The Giancarlo Family ◊
  • Richard N. Hill and Nancy Lundeen
  • David Jones and Joe D’Alessandro ◊
  • Dr. Steven Lovejoy and Dr. Thane Kreiner
  • Christine and Stan Mattison
  • Dr. James Robinson and Ms. Kathy Kohrman

Playwrights ($5,000–$7,499)

  • Anonymous
  • Mr. Larry Bardoff and Ms. Lilli Alberga
  • Marcia Barrow Taylor and Derek Taylor
  • Black Dog Private Foundation
  • Ms. Allison Butler and Mr. Richard Peers
  • Frank and Kelly Cassidy
  • Susan and Ralph G. Coan, Jr. *
  • Robert and Judith DeFranco
  • William H. Donner Foundation
  • William Draper III
  • John Fiddes and Karen Talmadge
  • Vicki and David Fleishhacker
  • Michael Gaines
  • Leontina Gallagher
  • Sameer Gandhi and Monica Lopez
  • Glasser Family Fund
  • Vinita Gupta
  • Betty Hoener
  • Sy Kaufman *
  • Lawrence A. Kern
  • Mr. R. Samuel Klatchko
  • Pamela D. Lee *
  • Marcia and Jim Levy
  • Marmor Foundation/Drs. Michael and Jane Marmor
  • Carol Martin
  • Vincent and Patrice McCarley
  • Jane McDougle and Paul Bendix
  • Michele Ballard Miller *
  • Wendy Mines and Eleanor Sue
  • Elizabeth and Jeff Minick
  • John Murphy and Paula Key
  • Barbara O’Connor
  • Don and Sally O’Neal
  • Scott Patterson *
  • Mr. and Mrs. Tom Perkins
  • Anne and Rick Riley
  • Susan E. Roos
  • Sally and Toby Rosenblatt
  • Camilla and George Smith *
  • Mr. M. H. Suelzle
  • Drs. Irving and Ann Weissman
  • Andrew and Billie Wiesenthal

Directors ($2,500–$4,999)

  • Anonymous
  • Ms. Kay Auciello
  • Allen and Lynn Barr
  • Jeanne and William Barulich
  • Donna L. Beres and Terry Dahl
  • Audrey and Richard** Bojack
  • Mitchell J. Bolen
  • Gayle and Steve** Brugler
  • Lynn Bunim and Alexander Fetter
  • Ms. Sally A. Carlson
  • Kenyon S. Chan and Shirley Hune
  • Kent and Nancy Clancy
  • Teresa Clark and Martin Lay
  • Ms. Karen T. Crommie
  • Madeline and Myrkle Deaton
  • Ingrid M. Deiwiks
  • Julie Dickson
  • Charles** and Susan Fadley *
  • Mr. Robert Feyer and Ms. Marsha Cohen *
  • Sue and Ed Fish
  • Michael Flynn
  • Richard and Marilyn Fowler
  • Alan and Susan Fritz
  • William Garland and Michael Mooney
  • Marcia and Geoffrey Green
  • Douglas Grigg
  • Kendra Hartnett and Robert Santilli *
  • Guy and Lia Haskin Fernald
  • Dr. James and Suzette Hessler
  • Ms. Marcia Hooper *
  • Robert and Riki Intner
  • Ms. Carolyn Jayne
  • Pamela L. Kershner
  • Brooks and Stephanie Blair Kirkwood
  • Ms. Peggy Kivel
  • Harriet Lawrie
  • Sue Yung Li
  • Jennifer S. Lindsay *
  • Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm MacNaughton
  • Nancy Michel *
  • Mr. Ronald Morrison *
  • John and Betsy Munz
  • Ms. Mary D. Niemiller
  • Mrs. Margaret O’Drain
  • Mary Jo O’Drain
  • Robert and Marcia Popper
  • Gordon Radley
  • Ms. Joyce Ratner
  • Karen and Jeff Richardson *
  • Mr. Orrin W. Robinson, III
  • Barbara and Saul Rockman
  • Marguerite Romanello
  • Rick and Cindy Simons
  • Jacqueline Smith and Gary Glass
  • Te Smith and Dennis Cress
  • Ann and Robert Spears
  • Steven and Chris Spencer
  • Vibeke Strand, MD and Jack Loftis, PhD
  • Richard and Michele Stratton
  • Susan Terris
  • Nancy Thompson and Andy Kerr
  • Arne and Gail Wagner
  • Mr. and Mrs. James Wagstaffe
  • Ying Wang And Brad Bao
  • Ms. Carol Watts
  • Ms. Beth Weissman
  • Diane B. Wilsey
  • Ms. Betsy Wolkin
  • Roger and Ruth Wu *
  • Harold L. Wyman Foundation

Friends of A.C.T.

We are privileged to recognize our Friends of A.C.T. members’ generosity during the April 1, 2023 to April 1, 2024 period. While space limitations prevent us from listing everyone who has generously supported our Annual Fund, we extend our deepest gratitude to all those who have made a meaningful contribution in support of our 2023/24 Season. Your gift has a vital impact—and we thank you! For information about Friends of A.C.T. membership, please contact Gabriel Rivera at 415.439.2325 or grivera@act-sf.org.

**In Memoriam
*Bravo Circle Member

Patrons ($1,200–$2,499)

  • Anonymous
  • Richard Alexander
  • Gwynn and Mitchel August
  • Mr. David N. Barnard
  • Mr. Daniel R. Bedford
  • Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Butcher
  • Paul J. Byrne
  • Lydia Callaghan *
  • Steve and Lois Chess *
  • Edward and Joan Conger
  • Krista Coupar
  • Joan Dea and Lionel Conacher
  • Leif and Sharon Erickson
  • Mr. William C. Fitch
  • Elizabeth and Paul Fraley
  • Ms. Susan Free
  • Margaret J. Grover
  • Mr. Kim Harris and Bennet Marks *
  • Deirdre Henderson *
  • Adrienne Hirt and Jeffrey Rodman *
  • Lara and Matt Hitchcock
  • Deanna Hodgin and Phil Dworsky
  • Val and Tim Houts
  • Alex Ingersoll and Martin Tannenbaum
  • Harold and Lyn Isbell
  • Michael Kim
  • George and Janet King
  • Ellen and Barry Levine
  • Steve and Judy Lipson
  • Caroline Loewy and Gregg Alton
  • Ross MacKinnon
  • Elisabeth and Daniel McKinnon
  • Dr. Margaret R. McLean
  • Thomas and Lydia Moran
  • Sharon and Jeffrey Morris
  • Trevor and Pooja Mottl *
  • Bruce Noble and Diane Elder
  • Ms. Susan O’Brien
  • Margo and Roy Ogus
  • Mrs. Diane Paradiso
  • Eugene Park
  • Janine Paver and Eric Brown
  • Mrs. Maria Elena Ratinoff
  • Ms. Mary Ellen Rossi
  • Ms. Monica Salusky and Mr. John Sutherland
  • Mr. Curtis Sanford *
  • Kathy and Elliot Shubin
  • Jane and Jay Taber *
  • Ms. Margaret Taylor
  • Jeffrey Trescott
  • Steven and Jacqueline Tulsky
  • Larry Vales
  • Marsha and David Veit
  • Andrew Velline and Lisa Scheidecker *
  • Elizabeth Werter and Henry Trevor
  • Robert T. Weston
  • Victoria and Richard Zitrin, The Arthur and Charlotte Zitrin Foundation

Sustainers ($750–$1,199)

  • Anonymous
  • Luis and Carol Aguilar *
  • Carolyn Alexander *
  • Seth Ammerman and Yoran Levin *
  • Ken and Jackie Broad Family Fund
  • Todd H. Charles
  • Ms. Linda R. Clem
  • Jean and Mike Couch
  • Mr. and Mrs. David G. Crane
  • James Cuthbertson
  • Yogen and Peggy Dalal
  • Cathy and Sandy Dean
  • Judi and Hal Dittmer
  • Marijke Donat
  • Jane E. Drake *
  • Lara Druyan and Tom Stuart
  • Ms. Carol Duffield *
  • Robert Ellis
  • Marilynne Elverson
  • Jerome B. Falk
  • M. Daniel and Carla Flamm
  • Robert Geshlider and Wynne Hayakawa
  • David B. Goldstein and Julia Vetromile
  • Dr. and Mrs. Gabriel Gregoratos
  • Malcolm and Meg Heinicke
  • Mary and Eric Horvitz
  • Jane Hsiao and Amr Razzak
  • Stephanie and Owen Jensen *
  • Allan and Rebecca Jergesen
  • Janos and Sherrill Laszlo
  • Meredith Lobel-Angel
  • Spike & Vanessa Loy
  • Robert McCleskey
  • Joseph C. Najpaver
  • Jane Neilson
  • Ms. Lisa Nolan
  • Janet and Clyde Ostler
  • Stephen Pegors and Trista Berkovitz
  • Jillian C. Robinson *
  • The Rogoff Family
  • J. Stuart Ryan
  • Betty and Jack Schafer
  • Mr. Jim Sciuto *
  • Mary Simon and Jon Shantz
  • Mr. Mark Small
  • Ann Smulka and Robert Blackburn
  • Laura and Anand Swaminathan
  • The Laney and Pasha Thornton Foundation
  • Bibi Tiphane
  • Ms. Patricia Tomlinson and Mr. Bennet Weintraub
  • Ms. Mary Topliff
  • John R. Upton Jr. and Janet Sassoon-Upton
  • Ms. Arlene Waksberg
  • Jessica Wallack-Cohen *
  • Ellen Wang and Rosemary Busher
  • Karen & Stephen Wiel
  • Susan Ping Wong and Bart Connally
  • John and Zaza Wu

Multiyear Donors Under $750

  • Anonymous *
  • Ittai Bareket *
  • Jacqueline and Catherine Bigelow *
  • Steven Blasberg *
  • Christopher R. Bowen *
  • Neil Bray *
  • Ms. Angela Brunton *
  • Carol and Bob Buchser *
  • Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Deryl Castellano *
  • Ms. Catherine Chase *
  • Al and Kathleen Ciabattoni *
  • Mary and David Claugus *
  • Craig E. Claussen *
  • John Collet *
  • Dr. Michael V. Collins *
  • Shari Conrad *
  • Marilyn Berg Cooper *
  • Jimmy Duarte *
  • Susan Dwyer *
  • Ms. Adrienne Edens *
  • Margery Eriksson *
  • Toni Eslick *
  • Ms. Ellen M. Farrell *
  • Mitchell and Elizabeth Fisher *
  • Patricia Flanagan *
  • David Flemming *
  • Ms. Marianne Gagen *
  • Richard Gibson and Paul Porcher *
  • Judith Goldberg *
  • Ms. Carol A. Goodman and Mr. Anthony Gane *
  • Ms. Janet Greene *
  • Ms. Marlyne L. Hadley *
  • Josh Halloway *
  • Kendell Hardy *
  • James Helman *
  • Ms. Michele Helmar *
  • Betty Ho *
  • Johnson Hor *
  • Mr. Bill Irwin *
  • Mary Eddy Janigian *
  • Mr. Geza Kadar, Jr. *
  • Sewellyn and Julio Kaplan *
  • Ms. Kathryn Kersey *
  • Nelda Kilguss *
  • Nancy Kux and Roger Kelly *
  • Elizabeth W. Leeds *
  • Jeanose Lexima *
  • Peggy Lowndes *
  • Ms. Marta Margeta *
  • Michael McCarthy *
  • Amy Meyer *
  • Ms. Linda Myers *
  • Mabel Ng and Ki Lau *
  • Nancy Nicholson *
  • Molly Noble *
  • Virginia and J. Lawrence Pearson *
  • Ms. Lois Peterson *
  • Audrey Pineda *
  • Hilary Placzek *
  • Ms. Judi Pogue *
  • Robin Poppino-Kuntz *
  • Kelly Riggio *
  • Fred Rosenblum *
  • Charles Roslof *
  • Ms. Tobi Rubin *
  • Laura Jo Ruffin *
  • Ms. Nancy Ruskin *
  • Frances Q. Schaeffer *
  • Ms. Heidi Schlegel *
  • Sean Schluntz *
  • Ms. Karen A. Scott *
  • Ms. Anne W. Smith *
  • Ms. Susan Swope *
  • Yankin Tanurhan *
  • Ms. Ruth Tara *
  • Alison Tatlock *
  • Scot L. Terry and Roberta D’Anneo *
  • Deborah Tran *
  • Mr. John Varney *
  • Katherine and Adrian Wadley *
  • Ms. Kathryn Wheble *
  • Nancy and Warren Wilson *
  • Constance and Francis K. Yu *
  • Ingu Yun *

Prospero Society

Jo S. Hurley, Chair

A.C.T. gratefully acknowledges the Prospero Society members listed below, who have made an investment in the future of A.C.T. by providing for the theater in their estate plans.

**In Memoriam

Gifts Designated to A.C.T.

  • Anonymous
  • Norman Abramson in celebration of David V. Beery
  • Mr. Anthony Alfidi
  • Judy and David Anderson
  • Ms. Kay Auciello
  • Nancy Axelrod
  • Ms. Mary Lou Baird
  • Mr. Eugene Barcone
  • Teveia Rose Barnes and Alan Sankin
  • Robert H. Beadle
  • Ms. Susan B. Beer
  • Leo and J. Michael Berry-Lawhorn
  • Dr. Barbara L. Bessey
  • Mr. Arthur Bredenbeck and Mr. Michael Kilpatrick
  • Linda K. Brewer
  • Ms. Agnes Chen Brown
  • Martin and Geri Brownstein
  • Gayle and Steve** Brugler
  • Ms. Carol Buchser
  • Christine Bunn and William Risseeuw
  • Mr. Bruce Carlton
  • Florence Cepeda and Earl Frick
  • Ms. Paula Champagne and Mr. David Watson
  • Steven and Karin Chase
  • Lesley Ann Clement and Karl Lukaszewicz
  • Janet Cluff
  • Mr. James L. Coran and Mr. Walter A. Nelson-Rees
  • Patricia Corrigan
  • Jack and Susan Cortis
  • Ms. Joan Danforth**
  • Richard Davis-Lowell and Bill Lowell
  • Mrs. Carl Degler
  • Sharon Dickson
  • Jerome L. and Thao N. Dodson
  • William Draper III
  • Drs. Peter and Ludmila Eggleton
  • Linda Jo Fitz
  • Frannie Fleishhacker
  • Kevin and Celeste Ford
  • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fowler
  • Alan and Susan Fritz
  • Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fudge
  • Marilee K. Gardner
  • John L. Garfinkle
  • Michele Garside, PhD
  • Dr. Allan P. Gold and Mr. Alan C. Ferrara
  • Dr. A. Goldschlager**
  • Ruth Goldstine and David Weber
  • Ms. Carol A. Goodman and Mr. Anthony Gane
  • Ms. JeNeal Granieri and Alfred F. McDonnell
  • Mr. Bill Gregory
  • James Haire and Timothy Cole
  • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Halliday**
  • Ms. Terilyn Hanko
  • Richard H. Harding
  • Kent Harvey
  • Betty Hoener
  • James C. Hormel** and Michael P. Nguyen-Hormel
  • Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Horrigan
  • Jo S. Hurley
  • Alex Ingersoll and Martin Tannenbaum
  • Mr. Barry Johnson
  • Ms. Robin Johnson and Ms. Dottie Lofstrom
  • Carol and Paul Kameny
  • Dr. and Mrs. Stewart Karlinsky
  • Nelda Kilguss
  • Heather M. Kitchen
  • Jonathan Kitchen and Nina Hatvany
  • Catherine Kuss and Danilo Purlia
  • Stephanie Hencir Lamey and Patrick Lamey
  • Mr. Philip C. Lang
  • Mindy Lechman
  • Ms. Marcia Leonhardt
  • Marcia and Jim Levy
  • Jennifer S. Lindsay
  • Fred M. Levin, in honor of Nancy Livingston Levin**, The Shenson Foundation
  • Ms. Paulette Long
  • Dr. Steven Lovejoy and Dr. Thane Kreiner
  • Mr. and Mrs. Jim Magill
  • Melanie and Peter Maier - John Brockway Huntington Foundation
  • Mr. Jeffrey P. Malloy
  • The Kenneth and Muriel Marks Living Trust
  • Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Marron
  • John B. McCallister
  • John G. McGehee
  • Dr. Margaret R. McLean
  • Deedee McMurtry
  • Mary and Gene Metz
  • J. Sanford Miller
  • Thomas Foutch
  • Pennie Needham
  • Mr. Dante Noto
  • Patricia Patton
  • Elsa and Neil Pering
  • Barbara Phillips
  • Robert and Marcia Popper
  • Kellie Raines
  • Bert and Anne Raphael
  • Mrs. Maria Elena Ratinoff
  • John and Karen Kopac Reis
  • Toni Rembe and Arthur Rock
  • Mary L. Renner
  • Ellen Richard
  • Jillian C. Robinson
  • Susan Roos
  • Ms. Andrea Rouah
  • Dr. David Rovno
  • Ms. Pamela Royse
  • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sandberg
  • Brian Savard and Andrew Smith
  • Mr. Harold E. Segelstad
  • Anne Shonk**
  • Ms. Ruth A. Short
  • Dr. Elliot and Mrs. Kathy Shubin
  • Cherie Sorokin
  • Ruth and Alan L.** Stein
  • Bert** and LeAnne Steinberg
  • Jasmine Stirling
  • Mr. John E. Sweeney and Ms. Lana Basso
  • Jane and Jay Taber
  • Nancy Thompson and Andy Kerr
  • Mr. Dayton E. Torrence
  • Michael E. Tully
  • Herman Victor
  • Ms. Marla M. Walcott
  • Mrs. Katherine G. Wallin and Mr. Homer Wallin**
  • Paul Weintraub and Raymond Szczesny
  • Ms. Beth Weissman
  • Tim M. Whalen
  • Barry Williams and Lalita Tademy
  • Beverly and Loring Wyllie
  • Kay Yun and Andre Neumann-Loreck

Gifts Received by A.C.T.

  • The Estate of Ruth Asawa
  • The Estate of Barbara Beard
  • The Estate of John Bissinger
  • The Estate of Ronald Casassa
  • The Estate of Rosemary Cozzo
  • The Estate of Nancy Croley
  • The Estate of Leonie Darwin
  • The Estate of Mary Jane Detwiler
  • The Estate of Olga Diora
  • The Estate of Mortimer Fleishhacker
  • The Estate of Mary Gamburg
  • The Estate of Rudolf Glauser
  • The Estate of Phillip E. Goddard
  • The Estate of Mrs. Lester G. Hamilton
  • The Estate of Sue Hamister
  • The Estate of Howard R. Hollinger
  • The Estate of William S. Howe, Jr.
  • The Estate of Ines R. Lewandowitz
  • The Estate of Thomas H. Maryanski
  • The Estate of the McKibben Family
  • The Estate of Michael L. Mellor
  • The Estate of Adrienne H. Mitchell
  • The Estate of Bruce Tyson Mitchell
  • The Estate of Byron R. Meyer
  • The Estate of Milton J. Mosk
  • The Estate of Gail Oakley
  • The Estate of Shelly Osborne
  • The Estate of Dennis Edward Parker
  • The Estate of Rose Penn
  • The Estate of Shepard P. Pollack
  • The Estate of Margaret Purvine
  • The Estate of Gerald B. Rosenstein
  • The Estate of Charles Sassoon
  • The Estate of Sonja Schmid
  • The Estate of Dr. F. Stanley Seifried
  • The Estate of Marie M. Tafoya
  • The Estate of Marilyn E. Taghon
  • The Estate of Marvin Tanigawa
  • The Estate of Olivia Thebus
  • The Estate of Ayn and Brian Thorne
  • The Estate of Sylvia Coe Tolk
  • The Estate of Nadine Walas
  • The Estate of Elizabeth Wallace
  • The Estate of Frances Webb
  • The Estate of William R. Weir
  • The Estate of William Zoller

The Rising Leaders Council

The Rising Leaders Council (RLC) is a dynamic membership program for Bay Area young professionals, offering curated social and networking opportunities and dedicated access to the theater’s mainstage productions and community programs.
For more information and to join, visit act-sf.org/support/Rising-Leaders-Council or contact Will Gaines at wgaines@act-sf.org or 415.439.2334.

Jordan Auleb  
Lee Brand  
Lauren Clark  
Courtney Francois  
Meryl Meyer Friedman  
Stephanie Garber  
Nicholas Hemenway  
Rodney Earl Jackson Jr.  
Emily McNulty  
Kurt Nelson  
Ben Pepin  
Anya Sabo  
Cori Shearer  
Alexandra Simmons  
Cosima Singleton

Gifts in Kind

A.C.T. thanks the following donors for their generous contributions of goods and services.

Constellation Brands
MAC Cosmetics
Studio 5 Learning + Development
CyberTools for Libraries
Premium Port Wines, Inc.

Tribute & Memorial Gifts

The following members of the A.C.T. community made gifts in memory and in honor of friends, colleagues, and family members of $100 or more during the April 1, 2023 to April 1, 2024 period.

In Honor

  • Ms. Kay Auciello in honor of Joe and Faye Auciello
  • Edythe Chan in honor of Andy Chan Donald
  • David Flemming in honor of Andy Chan Donald
  • Linda and Bruce Goldman in honor of Michele Ballard Miller
  • Josh Halloway in honor of Andy Chan Donald
  • Keith and Elizabeth Halperin in honor of A.C.T.’s Education & Community Programs
  • Keith and Elizabeth Halperin in honor of Ken Ruta
  • Jeanose Lexima in honor of Voices Change
  • Dr. Steven Lovejoy and Dr. Thane Kreiner in honor of Barry Lawson Williams
  • Spike and Vanessa Loy in honor of Westley Loy
  • Susan Medak and Gregory S. Murphy in honor of Jennifer Bielstein
  • Analisa Naldi in honor of the cast and supporters of Hippest Trip
  • Nancy Nicholson in honor of the cast and crew of A Christmas Carol
  • Eric and Susan Nitzberg in honor of Craig Slaight
  • Beverly Riehm and Randy Borcherding in honor of Jeff Minick
  • Julie Sanders in honor of Peggy Lowndes
  • Ellen Shimomura in honor of Andy Chan Donald
  • Marsha and David Veit in honor of Barry Williams and Lalita Tademy
  • Jessica Wallack-Cohen in honor of Alex Cooper Cohen

In Memory

  • Anonymous in memory of Ruth Asawa
  • Seth Ammerman and Yoran Levin in memory of Helen Martin
  • Judy and David Anderson in memory of Anne Shonk
  • Christopher R. Bowen in memory of Carol M. Bowen
  • Todd H. Charles in memory of Dr. Robert E. Scheid
  • Daniel E. Cohn and Lynn Brinton in memory of Anne Shonk
  • James R. Daus in memory of Nancy Livingston
  • Ms. Joy Eaton in memory of Todd Wees
  • Judy Erdberg in memory of Nancy Livingston
  • Susan Fadley in memory of Charles S. Fadley
  • Linda Jo Fitz in memory of Anne Shonk
  • Robert Geshlider and Wynne Hayakawa in memory of Richard D. May
  • Douglas Grigg in memory of Kaatri Grigg
  • Margaret J. Grover in memory of Gerry Roybal
  • Keith and Elizabeth Halperin in memory of Anne Shonk
  • Babette Henslee in memory of Bobby Toyne
  • Mrs. Henry Paul Hensley in memory of Henry Paul Hensley
  • Pamela L. Kershner in memory of Richard and Marian Kershner
  • Michael Kim in memory of Youngmee Baik
  • Richard and Victoria Larson in memory of Dennis Powers
  • Meredith Lobel-Angel in memory of Julia V. Lobel
  • Alan Markle in memory of Melissa Yandell Smith
  • Helen Norris in memory of William Sharpe
  • Lucy Reckseit in memory of Anne Shonk
  • Karen & Stephen Wiel in memory of Anne Shonk
  • Glenda Wong in memory of her mother
  • Constance and Francis K. Yu in memory of Phillip Capin

Corporate Membership Program

As the Bay Area’s leading theater, A.C.T. provides unique partnership opportunities to the business sector, including visibility before an affluent and influential audience, entrée to creative and dynamic spaces for client entertaining and business meetings, and exceptional artistic insiders’ experiences like backstage tours, meet-and-greets with artists, and so much more. Member companies support the artistic mission of A.C.T., including A.C.T.’s investment in helping to develop the next generation of the Bay Area’s creative and empathetic workforce through our vibrant artist training and education and community outreach programs serving over 20,000 young people each year. For more information, please contact Associate Director of Development Nicole Chalas at nchalas@act-sf.org or 415.439.2337.



PRESENTING PARTNERS ($25,000$49,999)

PRODUCING PARTNERS ($15,000$24,999)

DIRECTING PARTNERS ($10,000–$14,999)

The Allen Group, LLC
JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP


Foundations and Government Agencies

The following foundations and government agencies provide vital support for A.C.T. For more information, please contact Associate Director of Development Nicole Chalas at 415.439.2337 or nchalas@act-sf.org.

$100,000 and above

California Arts Council
Department of Children, Youth & Their Families
The Hearst Foundations
Koret Foundation
The Bernard Osher Foundation
San Francisco Grants for the Arts
The Shubert Foundation


Walter and Elise Haas Fund
Laurents / Hatcher Foundation


Arts Midwest
Department of Education
Laird Norton Family Foundation
San Francisco Office of Small Business
The Virginia B. Toulmin Foundation


Davis/Dauray Family Fund
Marin Community Foundation
National Endowment for the Arts
The Sato Foundation
Mimi and Harold Steinberg Charitable Trust/Carole and Ted Krumland


The Bill Graham Memorial Foundation
Edna M. Reichmuth Educational Fund of The San Francisco Foundation

Corporations Matching Annual Fund Gifts

As A.C.T. is both a cultural and an educational institution, many employers will match individual employee contributions to the theater. The following corporate matching gift programs honor their employees’ support of A.C.T., multiplying the impact of those contributions.

Acxiom Corporation
Adobe Systems Inc.
Apple, Inc.
Applied Materials
AT&T Foundation
Bank of America
Bank of America Foundation
Bank of New York Mellon
Community Partnership
Charles Schwab
Chubb & Son
Dell Direct Giving Campaign
Dodge & Cox
Ericsson, Inc.
Federated Department Stores
Freedom Financial
Fremont Group
The Gap
GE Foundation
IBM International Foundation
Intuitive Surgical
JPMorgan Chase
Johnson & Johnson Family
of Companies
Levi Strauss Foundation
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Macy’s, Inc.
Merrill Lynch & Co.
Foundation, Inc.
Northwestern Mutual
Pacific Gas and Electric
Arthur Rock
State Farm Companies
The Clorox Company
The James Irvine Foundation
The Morrison & Foerster
TPG Capital, L.P.
Visa International
Wells Fargo
John Wiley and Sons, Inc.