Village Theatre Legacy Estate Memorial Donors and In Honor Members

Legacy Estate Memorial Donors

The generous patrons who have chosen to remember Village Theatre in their estate plans and through various planned gifts are a special group of donors referred to as Village Guardians. They are in essence the defenders, protectors, and keepers of our artform. They are visionaries whose philanthropy is ensuring a bright future ahead for our mission. We are thrilled to honor those who have looked ahead to the needs of future generations by joining the Village Guardian Legacy Society:

Richard & Marianne Anderson
The Bailey Family
In Memory of Samuel D. Arnstein
Michael Bauer
Janet Pitts Beckmann & the Late George M. Beckmann
Alex & Heather Berry
L. Renee Briggs
The Estates of Robert W. & Lois H. Catterall
Bob & Ann Christensen
The Estate of Elaine & Phil Davis Leigh & Matt Flor
Susan Gardner
Mrs. T. A. Gildersleve
Otis & Sharon Gillaspie
Heather & Doug Goff
The Estate of Stanley T. Harvey
Steven J. Hazlerig
Joanne Herber & the late Gerald Herber
In Memory of Julie Ann Hovind
Bruce & Emily Howard
Robb & Kathy Hunt
Karen & Jim Ilika
Geri Johnson
Janell Johnson
D. Edward & Louise Jones
Judith M. King
Steve & Carol Klein
Bobbi Kotula
Betty S. Kramer
Michael & Cheri Levy
Twyla & Tom Lucas
The Estate of Patricia Ann Marsh
Lynn G. Meyer
The Estate of Michael Mitchell
Maggie & Clint Pehrson
Sherry & Bill Picatti
Gustav Raaum
The Estate of Eugene H. Radach
John Sager
The Estate of Darlene Staats
Christine Shuken
Darlene Staats
Dr. Michael & Peggy Swistak
Barb & Larry Traaen
Todd & Kathy Thull
Didrik & Mary Kay Voss
Tom & Connie Walsh
Bruce & Peggy Wanta
Herbert H. Warrick Family Trust
The Estate of Dr. Albert Watenpaugh
The Estate of Ruth Sutton Waters
Mildred Windmiller
Diane Woltz
Joella Yoder
Anonymous (3)

In Honor & Memory of….

Village Theatre gratefully acknowledges the following donors who have remembered friends, families and loved ones with generous donations in their honor or memory. Donations were made between September 1, 2022 to August 31, 2023.

In Honor of Judy Abel
    Roberta Berner

In Memory of Dan & Portia Anderson
    Jacqueline Wong

In Memory of Steve Buchert
    The Ganje Family

In Memory of Catherine

In Memory of Mona Charlton
    Joan Pierce

In Honor of Mona Charlton – Subscriber for over 30 years!
    Friends of Mona Charlton

In Loving Memory of our Dear Friend Bonnie Delepine; we subscribed together for over 25 years
    Robert & Frances Wlezien

In Honor of Everyone who makes Theatre so Exciting!
    Dennis & Cindy McMullen

In Loving Memory of Lynn Gahringer

In Memory of Justine

In Honor of Bobbi Kotula
    Penny Freedman
    Joanne Herber

In Memory of Loretta Kotula

In Honor of Mom & Dad who gave us the Love of Theatre
    Terri Jeffries

In Honor of Kati Nickerson’s Retirement
    Lisa Emerling & Patrick Arpin

In Honor of Jane Olsen
    Alan & Marilyn Denson

In Memory of Theatre Lover Esther Quint
   Kathleen Q. Weiner

In Loving Memory of John & Rosemary Riddington
    Elizabeth Riddington

In Memory of Ronald Sydow
    Kimberly Heisel

In Honor of Stephen Wimbush for his 80th Birthday
    Sharon & Stanley Stoffel

In Memory of Bev Yorkey
    Michelle Downey-Magee & Dail Magee Jr.

We sincerely apologize for any names that we may have misspelled or inadvertently omitted from our donor list. For corrections, please contact us at